A lot of these look better with some media query CSS. So keep this in mind if things don't look quite right. Lastly all of the code below are wrapped in braces [ ] . So it will go [ cms: shortcode-format ] (Without the space between the brackets)
- Code Pen: cms:codepen rachelandrew/pen/RGwyAb
- Gifphy: cms:giphy kW8mnYSNkUYKc
- Huffduffer: cms:huffduffer adactio/243773
- Infogram: cms:infogram amazon-and-the-book-market
- Instagram: cms:instagram BTQ1omKl0DJ
- Issuu: cms:issuu iscience/docs/issue23
- Reddit: cms:reddit aww/comments/4lwccv/someone_came_to_visit_woodchips_for_scale%2Fd3qol9a
Someone came to visit. (Woodchips for scale.) from aww
- Slideshare: cms:slideshare haraldf/business-quotes-for-2011
- Smugmug: cms:smugmug eos-muller.smugmug.com/Portfolio/Nature/Butterflies/i-W2LC2N
- Soundcloud: cms:soundcloud scottgruber/forgive-them
- Speakerdeck
- Vimeo
- Wistia